Sunday, March 30, 2008

How do you mend a broken heart?

To Lola, my baby girl, I love you so much. My heart aches for all the pain that you feel. I wish I could hide you away and protect you from all the bad people in the world who have hurt you (even myself).

I know that you're growing up - as much as I tried to stop it - but I can't fight that maternal instinct I have to keep you with me forever. As ridiculous as it would look, nothing would make me happier than to put you in my lap, with your head on my shoulder, one hand holding your baby doll, and a paci in your mouth.

We have our good times, and we certainly have our bad times (wow, there have been some doozies!) my little Princess High from the Island of Maintenance.

Yes, I know I'm your mother, and it's not my job to be your best friend, but always know that I'm here for you - always. and I'm always here to lend an EAR.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so touching. I'm sooo glad I don't have a daughter! Just remember that why she may not realize it now, in the future it will all become clear to her. I can't tell you how many times I look back on the ridiculous things my mom said to me, so I thought. But now as a mom, I say the same ridiculous things to my sons, except now they make sense. You are a great mom and in the not so distant future, she will know you are too! Just do what you do and the rest will fall into place.