Tuesday, December 16, 2008

No longer waiting to exhale...

Friends are the people who let you be yourself... and never let you forget it.

I really didn't like that movie, "Waiting to Exhale"... just seemed too bitter to me. I completely get that Bernie was pissed - who can blame her? Geesh. I'm just not a "sell everything for $1 and burn the rest" kinda girl. God knows, I have every reason to be - just don't have his car or anything of real value that he left behind! Besides, we've tried the bonfire thing, and I don't really need another visit from the police or fire department lol!

For all of October and November, I was completely caught up with T - forgetting who I am, and what I am all about. In the past two weeks I have discovered new friends, and more importantly, that my old friends love me, and let me be myself.

I think that's one of the main reasons why this ordeal hasn't broken my spirit - and only strengthened my determination to reach my goals and find true happiness.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Sometimes I guess there just aren't enough rocks.

ok, sorry about the movie quotes, but I'm feeling a little Forrest, Forrest Gumpy. Hopefully, I'll get over it soon. See? My blogs are like a box of chocolate... you never know what your gonna get!

Today has been a sad day. I've been cooped up in my house for 3 days - thanks to me bragging that I "Never get the flu"... omg how can that much snot come out of one person's nose??

So I guess today I just a little cabin feverish and lonely. And craving shrimp. lol

I missed having T around today. I would notice little things around the house that he did, and I miss him. I miss laughing and yeah, even arguing. I would have been nice to have someone around to take care of me these past 3 days.

If I catch myself watching Family Guy once more... I will scream. Slingblade came on yesterday. I watched it. And recorded it. lol

I like the way you talk...mmmhmmm

and that's all I got to say about that...

Everything I need to know, I learned from Katt & Forrest...

I'm still working through my thoughts and emotions right now, and I figured that attempting to put them down here will help me figure things out.

First, let me introduce you to Luna. Isn't she a cutie? She has "fringe" on the ends of her ears - T said, like Lunatic Fringe - hence the name Luna. She's a real sweetheart.

Second, the reason for the "back pedaling and re-evaluating" post was that T is no longer living here. I was really disappointed, but funny thing is, I was more upset about being alone and not having a partner than I was about him leaving. I really miss having him around because he made us laugh SO MUCH... omg sometimes I would cry from laughing so hard! Did I, did I ever! Mornin' daddy! Time for some serul!

Some of my friends and family won't like that I still consider him a friend, and he taught me several things: patience (he can be a real ), tolerance, and empathy. He reminded me that sometimes it's NOT all about me (surprising at it may seem), and that compromise and giving each other space is vital to making a relationship work. He showed my kids that I'm not so bad and I can be cool sometimes. Most importantly, he reminded me that I should never lose sight of myself. I've always known that, I just forget all about it when I look into those eyes. If only I could be one of those people who never make eye contact lol.

Jenny: Do you ever dream, Forrest, about who you're gonna be?
Forrest: Who I'm gonna be?
Jenny: Yeah.
Forrest: Aren't I going to be me

Bottom line: my life is actually better because he was and hopefully still is, a part of it. There are still some hurt feelings for me to work through, but nothing that true friendship can't conquer. My mistake is that I was trying to make something more of what we had. Anyway, T, if you're reading this, you're always welcome in our lives. Luna, Rebel, Chevy & Lacey miss you like crazy!

Okay - on to my next 'victim' lol poor guy, doesn't even know what's coming!