Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Statisically Speaking...

Ok, say a prayer for me please. I've just entered my first week of Statistical Analysis. I was really nervous before class, but I received my textbook in the mail and I was immediately relieved - the title was ELEMENTARY STATISTICS. Yay - we're starting out easy! With the heart of a 5th grader (it's elementary, remember?) I opened the book. Crap. I'm in trouble...

So, I get in my car (which, by the way has gas with gold flakes in it - why else would it cost so much?) and shoot on over to Wal-Mart to prepare myself for this class. Brand new notebook, dividers, pencils with BIG erasers, and my most important school supply - a Magic Eight Ball.

The first chapter is The Nature of Probability and Statistics. What's the probability that I'll squeak through this class and maintain my current 4.0 GPA? Magic Eight Ball says:

Sigh. The last chapter is about Chi-Square. What's the probability of me going to Starbucks for a Chai-T instead? Magic Eight Ball says:

Yessss... things are lookin up...

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