Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Change in Direction

To all 2 of my followers (smile),

It's been awhile since I blogged. Every time I start to write I end up feeling sad which, to me, defeats the whole purpose of blog-therapy. I am still missing my dad terribly. Not a day goes by that I don't think about him a million times and every time I cry. Happy memory or not, my heart still aches for him.

On April 4, 2009, I had to say goodbye to my beloved Chevy. I held her in my arms and felt her last breath. She was 14. She was a great dog. My heart and my arms still ache for her.

This has been a difficult year for me and rather than spend the last part of 2009 wallowing in my sorrow, I decided to blog about mostly good or funny things. Now keep in mind, I'm not Ms. Sunshine, so there will be days that I'm just plain bitchy and absolutely nothing will make me happy, but hopefully those days will be few and far between.

As messed-up and seriously dysfunctional as my life is, I cannot deny that I have been blessed with awesome friends and family, dogs included. I hope you will enjoy my stories. If not, "whateva - I do what I want" 


Christy P said...

that's right. it's your hot body! so glad to see you writing again. .

L said...

So let's hear some of those funny and good stories-And wish I could tell you that time heals all wounds, but it's mostly a lie. I don't think those wounds heal, but it does get easier over time. I think about my mom almost everyday and her picture is on my bedside table. Sometimes I still cry because I miss her, but sometimes I look over at that picture of her beaming and laugh out loud thinking about the good times I had with her--we were more than mother and daughter, we were friends. Try to think about the fun times and how blessed you were to have had him for a dad.